Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A New Beginning

Week 1

The first steps have been taken. Contractor is on board and the bank "stuff" for a construction loan is in place. We are building a house. The time seems to be right if we plan to make a change. We are empty resters so a four bedroom isn't needed. 

We purchased the lot in November. For the idea of downsizing on square footage the lot didn't seem to follow that rule. It is larger than our present residence. 

The view from our lot is vast. The back of the house faces country side views. I don't expect this view to change in our lifetime. The lot is on a slight hill so the top of the hill is probably where our screened in porch and breakfast nook will be residing.

The subdivision is a one way in--one way out. We will living on a short side road so the traffic should be minimal. The driveway will be cut in the hill to allow for a side entrance to the garage. In my opinion it will make the house look a bit larger across the front and also gives an easier exit to the street.

Ah--the view from the front of the house is what drew us to this lot. We have neighbors but by looking straight over their houses we have the view of the mountains. These mountains are looking toward North Carolina. The house plan will have a small front porch which I plan to do a little time on porch sitting!

Time spent looking for a house plan was dreadful! I knew we were downsizing. Our goals were to have a one level home but still allow us to have the individual spaces we desired. This one almost was perfect. We will make a few changes. (Excuse the way I reversed the plan and added labeling. For example, the front porch isn't really supposed to be crooked!) Speaking of the front porch--it will be enlarged to go across the front to the garage wall.

Our steps to the basement will be completely eliminated from the current spot and will be placed in the garage. This will allow a hallway access to the kitchen and master bedroom side of the house. Also, the laundry room will only have access from the garage entrance. The contractor will close off the doorway to the living room and insulate the laundry room to hide noise from the washer and dryer. (Who wants the laundry room off the living area?)

Today there is snow on the ground but the contractor plans to file for the permits to begin the build. I am anxious to see some progress! We have met with him to select the placement on the lot. He will stake off the house in the next couple of days so we can OK it. The previous owner of the lot lives next door and they have some awesome landscaping. Some of it will be saved and will provide us with privacy between our garage entrance and their house.

For now I have the time to purge, pack, and downsize 39 years of accumulations!

Guess I should have some blogging to do since our life is changing.

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