April arrived with dreams of progress. And it happened. In the blink of an eye, the waiting to see the actual house frame finally became a reality.
With a break in the rainy weather the basement was blocked and poured.
Trusses expanded our abnormal rectangular home. I had no idea the width or depth of the actual frame until standing beside it.
Several days of sunny weather seemed to allow framing of the main floor. We traveled to Florida for a few days and were astonished at the vision coming into focus.
Amazing and brave crew to create an actual building!
The roofline is steep. And high. And a long way to the ground.
It has been time to select the first decor items--roof shingles, brick, and siding.
Walking through the inside gave a chance to envision the finished rooms.
It is no doubt that we will have lots of light streaming into all areas.
The view from the front door spans the dining room, family room, kitchen, and nook.
A large screened in porch will encompass the back of the house. Mountain views from not only the front but the back of 151!
It is happening. We are about ten weeks from finished we hope. Now it is time to get our current home ready to go on the market in a month or two!