Thursday, April 4, 2019

Spring's New Life

Winter is not my favorite season. To know that spring has arrived is enough to bring contentment. Last spring was focused on watching the construction of our house which caused a dim memory of spring's new life.

We bought our lot from the neighboring house and landscaping has become part of our yard now. Creeping phlox, flowering bushes, and crepe myrtle trees were the only beauty of the construction site.

The landscapers worked to renew and refresh! What a joy to see the life that still existed. Autumn tends to be a great time to acquire shrubs at a discount. I added some burning bushes and a hydrangea I brought from the previous home. To my joy they lived and are now sprouting new growth.

I appreciate green grass. September inTennessee means a short time frame to sowing grass and getting a sparse coverage before the frosts arrive. Two hurricanes provided tremendous and forceful rains that washed away portions of the loose soil. To hours spent resowing, watering, and lots of hope we did get a ground cover before the growing season ended. One major benefit was that our grass was the greenest in the neighborhood since it was new grass!

One beautiful snow created memories of our new neighborhood. (Guess we were lucky not to have to clean the inclined driveway more than the one time).

God works in mysterious ways. To deciding to build near our son and daughter-in-law, moving in, and the blessing of a granddaughter--this is where we were meant to be.

We are blessed to see our precious one and the ease of keeping her while mom works is beyond our imagination from a short year ago. Yes, this is where we are supposed to live.

Yes, spring has arrived and with it a bright and sunny feeling surrounds us.
Light streams in from all the windows!

Daily, we say "it's nice to be living here".

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