My love for Broyhill Fontana has been long. I mean we have traveled all over the areas surrounding our state to find bits and pieces. A table here, another elsewhere. We have accumulated quite a bit. But when I purchased the Ikea Ektorp sofa with the white slipcover the honey pine just seemed dated. I decided after browsing Pinterest, various blogs, and more blogs that I wanted to go with staining the tops of the tables in my downstairs family room with a chestnut stain and use Annie Sloan Old World White on the rest.
After cleaning each table and lightly sanding the tops I attempted to apply the stain. It wasn't absorbed in the wood at all. I tried to sand again and reapply--again the stain bubbled up. I don't know if this is a problem because of the finish that Broyhill applied or what the previous owners had used but I was forced to move to plan B (that I hadn't even thought or planned for!). I had some Annie Sloan graphite so decided to use that on the tops.
If you notice since we found these in different places, the finish on these three are actually different. So maybe using chalk paint provided the best solution.
After the first coat, I quickly realized this wasn't going to be a quick project. I had envisioned that I might be able to do most of the various coats in one day. Scratch that idea. I first worked on the two end tables and the coffee table--saving the sofa table for another day. For these I only did the tops--letting each coat dry a couple of hours. Later that day I began working on the sides and legs with the white. Amazingly, the white only took two coats. Turned legs are a pain to cover evenly. I finally turned the tables on the side and was able to reach the legs much better.
My wrist was regretting this project! It still hurts several days later.
Excuse the armoire--it belongs to my son. I am storing it for him but hope he will take it soon!
All in all, I think it is an improvement. I am disappointed that the stain didn't work out on the tops. If I was to backtrack and start over I would use General Finishes gel stain on the tops. I think it would have been the right choice.
I am still needing to decorate and add the farmhouse touches I envision. But...I am snowbound at the present time!

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