So--what could I throw together quickly and also satisfy our tummies!
I decided to fix a different type of taco salad.
In our local mall there used to be a place in the food court that served a layered type mix. First I crushed some restaurant style chips and placed them in the bottom of our bowls. Added a generous (mostly lettuce in this salad) amount of lettuce, green onions, tomatoes on top.
The "meat" portion was easy!
As usual brown and drain the fat. Add in the spices of your choices. The next time I would make it a little spicier.
More of the chili powder and also some crushed red pepper flakes (next time for sure!) I added about a little water and let it simmer. Then I added a can of chili beans, simmer a few more minutes.
While this was cooking I fixed the taco bowls. Now--as you can tell I haven't been in the kitchen more than a few minutes.
After topping the salad mixture with these goodies--I added cheese, chunky salsa, and sour cream.
Time to eat!
This tastes so much better than the packaged taco seasoning mixes!

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