This is my kitchen tree. I use a bright green and red for this one.
My dining room tree is a table top one. I use white and snow items on it. I usually leave it up into January until I am tired of the dreary and snowy weather before I take it down. I like the white glow it gives off.
The living room tree has some sentimental ornaments that were given to me during my teaching and are priceless.
The nativity came from Cracker Barrell this year. Oh Holy Night plaque was from Homegoods/TJMaxx. I placed it on a plate because the glitter was going everywhere. Next year I will probably stage it a bit better!
I placed just a few things in the main bath. We recently finished a re-do and I was just having time to get a few things together for it. The sled decoration was given to me by one of my aunts and I've had it for years and years. The candle came from Kohl's and was a gift from one of my first graders!
The sofa table has a beginning of my Santa collection. It will change to a hot drink station for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Everyone comes to our house on Christmas.
I got just a few "snowy" things out. I will really save my main items for cold and snowy January! These plates I have had for several years. They came from Proffitts/Belks. I recently found the mugs that match on EBAY! Lucky find. I like the way the snowmen have bird houses and stockings mixed into each scene.
Merry Christmas to all!

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